Checking the Status of Your Submitted Promotion

Generally, you can check the review progress of the coupon you submitted within 3 business days after submitting it:

  1. Visit Coupert community page:
  2. Select 'My Submitted' to view all coupons you have submitted.
  3. Click on 'Details' to access specific information about your promotion. This includes:
    • Status: Indicates if Coupert has accepted your submitted promotion.
      • 'Pending' Status: Indicates that your submitted coupon code is currently under review.
      • 'Approved' Status: Indicates that your coupon code has been accepted, and you will receive the corresponding reward. Please note that approved coupon codes will not be immediately displayed on our website. Instead, they will be stored in our coupon database and tested automatically when other users shop. If other users successfully save money using your submitted code, it will then be displayed on our website.
      • 'Disapproved' Status: Indicates that your submitted coupon code already exists in our coupon database or has been verified as invalid.
    • Saved Others: This shows the total amount saved by other users using your coupons.
    • Used by Others: Displays the number of users who have utilized your submitted promotion.
    • Earned Golds: Details the gold rewards you have earned by submitting coupons.