How to get 20% withdrawal rewards?

The "20% Withdrawal rewards" campaign has been offline on 2023-5-19, which means you can no longer get the 20% withdrawal rewards after making a withdrawal through the Coupert App.

Participation conditions

All iOS users who meet the withdrawal conditions can participate, and each user can only participate once.

Participation method

iOS users who withdraw cash through Coupert APP will receive 20% of the withdrawal amount in gold coins.

Gold arrival time

After the withdrawal status is changed to 'Paid', we will automatically issue an order reward named 'Reward Gold' within 24h, you can check it through 'Account-Gold List' of APP.

Reward Gold amount

The amount of reward gold is equal to the withdrawal amount * 20% (1$=100Gold), up to 500Gold.

Last updated: May 19, 2023