How to get 1.2X Cash Back and more?

The "1.2X Cash Back" activity has been offline on 2023-3-17 which means you can still install Coupert App but cannot get "1.2X Cash Back" offer. If you have already received a "1.2X Cash Back" offer, you can still use it within the validity period.

Participation conditions

All iOS users who have enabled Coupert Mobile Extension for the first time are eligible to participate, including the following cases:

a. Users who haven't installed the Coupert APP.

b. Users who have installed the Coupert APP but haven't logged in.

c. Users who have installed and logged into the Coupert APP, but haven't enabled Mobile Extension.

d. Users who have installed Coupert APP and enabled Mobile Extension, but haven't logged in.

Participation method

Step 1, Install and login to Coupert APP, and enable Mobile Extension for Safari, then we will automatically issue an offer "20% Cash Back Increase" to your account,you can check it through 'Account—My offers' of APP.

Step 2, Shop with Mobile Extension, this offer will automatically be applied to all the orders and you will get an extra 20% on top of your original Cash Back for each order.

Offer validity period

Valid for 14 days from the date of issuance.

Gold arrival time

After successful shopping, we will automatically issue an order reward named 'APP Order Reward' within 24h (if the order is cancelled, the reward will also be cancelled), you can check it through 'Account-Gold List' of APP.

Reward Gold amount

The amount of reward gold is equal to the order Cash Back Gold*20%.

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Last updated: March 17, 2023